Synopsys: UCIe – On-Package Chiplet Innovation Opportunities


In this webinar, we will discuss the usages, key metrics and the silicon health associated with different technology choices in UCIe and how it will evolve going forward. We will also delve into the challenges and opportunities for chiplets connected through UCIe, including production test, repair and in-field silicon lifecycle management.

Synopsys: CMOS Circuit Techniques for Wireline Transmitters Part II


In this 3-part Synopsys webinar series, we will present how hyperscale data centers are going through a paradigm shift with the advent of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and edge compute requiring hyperscale data centers to support exponential growth of data volume.

Synopsys: The Path to ISO/SAE 21434 Cybersecurity Compliance


This 60-minute Webinar will outline the fundamentals of the ISO/SAE 21434 standard as well as discuss the requirements and the impact of a structured cybersecurity management system for the development of automotive grade IP throughout the automotive product lifecycle.