Nick Allott

4th March 2024 | AI Conferences Speakers

Nick is CEO of NquiringMinds, an AI analytics company founded on robust cyber security principles. He has been developing and deploying AI technologies for almost 30 years, and is a recognised cyber security expert.

Nick was formally, CTO of OMTP, a security focussed, international mobile standards organisation responsible for many technologies now widely deployed. Significant among OMTP deliveries, is the Trusted Execution Environment, (TEE) the security core of most CPUs and SIM technology. TEEs now ship a the rate of 1 billion per year. Nick is also a Director of the Webinos Open Source Foundation: a collaborative initiative for secure IOT interaction based on PKI.

For Shell, Nick helped develop their data mining products (later acquired by Accenture). And as Technology Director for Motorola, Nick had responsibility for their speech recognition and voice Personal Assistant products. Nick Joined start-up Fastmobile (multimodal speech recognition) as their CTO in 2000 until their acquisition by RIM. His first full time job was developing neural networks for Neural Computer Sciences, followed by a stint at the part Microsoft owned Dorling Kindersley Multimedia, where he worked on search technology and 3D graphics platforms.

NquiringMinds was selected by DCMS to develop an innovative, secure data sharing platform for Smart Cities, which forms the basis of the current product line. Nick has advised the UK Government on the Secure by Default Program and was among a handful of technology CEOs selected by, the then Prime Minister, Theresa May, to accompany on her first trade mission to India. Nick is a Fellow of the British Computer Society, the Institute of Analysts and Programmers and the Royal Society of Arts.

Nick has a degree in Cognitive Science, a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and is a Visiting Professor and the University of Southampton.


Presentation: Trustworthy AI – Practical Collaborative Engineering

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